Bring in the first day of spring with a beautiful tintype portrait. Maurene Cooper of Vanity Tintype will be on site with her mobile darkroom for tintype portrait sessions at Space 1026 along with Jackie Small and Miriam Singer of Philly DIY Wedding for flower crown making.
March 20th, 2022 at Space 1026 from 10am to 5pm
844 North Broad Street Philadelphia
What is tintype?
Tintype is a 19th-century photographic process, used contemporarily to create one-of-a-kind handmade photographs. The process was invented in 1851 and remained the predominant image-making technology until the end of the 1870s. Tintype involves coating a sheet of tin with a sticky substance called collodion which is then submerged in a bath of silver nitrate. Essentially this action creates a piece of film which is then exposed to light and taken through a chemical development, stopping, and fixing process. While the plate is fixed, it can be exposed to daylight. At this time viewers will see a blue negative turn into a black and white positive. Once washed and dried, the plate is coated with a layer of shellac and heated to harden, then the plate is ready to be taken home. The resulting image is a one-of-a-kind modern heirloom.